Sunday, November 29, 2015

 So, this is pretty much how it goes when Olivia asks to take a picture with is normal, and one is silly, because why be normal when you can be different?! : )

 My man will surprise me sometimes and bring me one of my favorites, a caramel frappe, and boy do I love those surprises.

 Olivia wanted to put Bradley in this chair one day, but knew it wasn't safe for him, so she rigged a way to keep him in by tying this blanket around the chair.  Oh, and don't sweat it, I was there the whole time so I'm not saying this is baby proof either!  But, I got to hand it to her. This child loves to watch her brother and keeps him very entertained when she does!

Date night with my man..


Unknown said...

Olivia is hilarious. :) Love the caramel frappes too... probably not as much as mocha, but definitely yum!

Katharine said...

Loved seeing all the posts, and catching up in pictures!